Subaru Forester: Tuning
- Manual tuning
- Stereo indicator
- Seek tuning (SEEK)
- Scan tuning (SCAN)
- PTY (Program type) group tuning only FM reception)
- PTY (Program type) group selection
- Seek in PTY (Program type) group (type A, B and C audio)
- Seek in PTY (Program type) group (type D audio)
FM/AM selection
Push the “FM/AM” button when the radio is off to turn on the radio. Push the “FM/AM” button when the radio is on to select the reception. Each brief press of the “FM/AM” button c ...Manual tuning
Turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial clockwise to increase the tuning frequency and turn the “TUNE/TRACK/CH” dial counterclockwise to decrease it. Each time the dial is turned, the frequency ...See also:
Deleting the phonebook data
1. Select the “DELETE ENTRY” menu.
2. Select the phone number by performing
either of the following procedures.
– Operate the “TUNE/TRACK/CH”
– Press the talk switch and say ...
Compass calibration
1. For optimum calibration, switch off all
nonessential electrical accessories (rear
window defogger, heater/air conditioning
system, spotlight, etc.) and ensure all
doors are shut.
2. Drive ...
Water on brake discs and brake pads affects braking
Driving in rain and slush or passing through an
automatic car wash can cause water to collect
on the brake discs and pads. This will cause a
delay in braking effect when the pedal is
depressed ...