Hyundai Tucson: Parking brake - Features of your Hyundai - Hyundai Tucson Owner's ManualHyundai Tucson: Parking brake

Applying the parking brake Applying the parking brake

To engage the parking brake, first apply the foot brake and then without pressing the release button in, pull the parking brake lever up as far as possible. In addition it is recommended that when parking the vehicle on a gradient, the shift lever should be positioned in the appropriate low gear on manual transaxle vehicles or in the P (Park) position on automatic transaxle vehicles.

CAUTION: Driving with the parking brake applied will cause excessive brake pad (or lining) and brake rotor wear.

Releasing the parking brake

To release the parking brake, first apply the foot brake and pull the parking brake lever slightly. Secondly, depress the release button and lower the parking brake lever while holding the button.

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