Jeep Liberty: Distance To Empty (DTE)
Shows the estimated distance that can be traveled with the fuel remaining in the tank. This estimated distance is determined by a weighted average of the instantaneous and average fuel economy, according to the current fuel tank level. DTE cannot be reset.
NOTE: Significant changes in driving style or vehicle loading will greatly affect the actual drivable distance of the vehicle, regardless of the DTE display value.
When the DTE value is less than 30 miles (48 km) estimated driving distance, the DTE display will change to a text display of LOW FUEL”. This display will continue until the vehicle runs out of fuel. Adding a significant amount of fuel to the vehicle will turn off the LOW FUEL text and a new DTE value will display.
Average Fuel Economy
Shows the average fuel economy since the last reset.
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Tire Psi
Press and release the MENU button until Tire PSI is
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• If tire pressure is OK for all tires, TIRE and a vehicle
graphic are display ...
See also:
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