Range Rover Evoque: Trip distance

Distance travelled since the last memory reset.

The maximum trip reading is 9 999.9 (kilometres or miles). The computer will automatically reset to zero if this distance is exceeded.



This shows the predicted distance, miles or kilometres, that the vehicle should travel on the remaining fuel, assuming fuel consumption stay constant.


The display of imperial, mixed or metric units is selected via the instrument panel menu.

 Service interval indicator

The service interval message will only be displayed when the vehicle has less than 3200 km (2000 miles) before the service is due. When the ignition is switched on, and the vehicle has started it


 Driving in arduous conditions

When a vehicle is operated in extremely arduous conditions, more frequent attention must be paid to servicing requirements. Arduous driving conditions include: - Driving in dusty and/or sandy conditions. - Driving on rough and/or muddy roads. - Frequent wading. - Frequent driving at high spee

 Sitting in the correct position

The driver and front seat passenger must not ride with the seat fully reclined. Do not adjust the seat while the vehicle is moving. The seat, head restraint, seat belt and airbags, all contribute to the protection of the user. Correct use of these components will give you greater prote

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