Honda CR-V: Technical Information

The diagrams in this section give you the dimensions and capacities of your vehicle and the locations of the identification numbers. It also includes information you should know about your vehicle’s tires and emissions control systems.


 Identification Numbers

Your vehicle has several identifying numbers located in various places. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the 17-digit number your dealer uses to register your vehicle for warranty


Dimensions Weights Engine Capacities Capacities *1: Excluding the oil remaining in the engine *2: Including the coolant in the reserve tank and that remaining in the engine Reserve

 DOT Tire Quality Grading (U.S. Vehicles)

The tires on your vehicle meet all U.S. Federal Safety Requirements. All tires are also graded for treadwear, traction, and temperature performance according to Department of Transportation


 Front Driveshaft Reassembly

Exploded View NOTE: Refer to the Exploded View as needed during this procedure. Inboard Joint Side 1. Wrap the splines with vinyl tape (A) to prevent damaging to the inboard boot. 2. Install the inboard boot onto the drives haft, then remove the vinyl tape. Be careful not to damage the inboard boo

 Adjust the Front Seats

Adjust the driver’s seat as far to the rear as possible while allowing you to maintain full control of the vehicle. Have a front passenger adjust their seat as far to the rear as possible. If you sit too close to the steering wheel or dashboard, you can be seriously injured by an i

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