Jeep Liberty: Materials Added To Fuel - Fuel Requirements - Starting And Operating - Jeep Liberty Owner's ManualJeep Liberty: Materials Added To Fuel

All gasoline sold in the United States is required to contain effective detergent additives. Use of additional detergents or other additives is not needed under normal conditions and they would result in additional cost.

Therefore, you should not have to add anything to the fuel.

    MMT In Gasoline
    MMT is a manganese containing metallic additive that is blended into some gasoline to increase octane. Gasoline blended with MMT provides no performance advantage beyond gasoline of the same oct ...

    Fuel System Cautions
    CAUTION! Use the following guidelines to maintain your vehicle’s performance: • The use of leaded gas is prohibited by Federal law. Using leaded gasoline can impair engine performance, and ...

    See also:

    CAUTION: The future performance and reliability of the engine depends on the care and restraint exercised during its early life. It is especially important to observe the following precautions dur ...

    All-Wheel Drive (AWD) lock switch operations
    The AWD LOCK switch located on the lower side of the instrument panel. This switch is used to select the AUTO or LOCK mode depending on the driving conditions. Each time you push the lower pa ...

    SCAN (only when connecting USB storage device)
    Scan is operated in the same way a CD is played. For details, refer to “Scan (type A, B and C audio)”. NOTE When an iPod® is connected, you cannot select the SCAN mode. ...