GMC Terrain: Used Replacement Wheels - Wheel Replacement - Wheels and Tires - Vehicle Care - GMC Terrain Owner's ManualGMC Terrain: Used Replacement Wheels


Replacing a wheel with a used one is dangerous. How it has been used or how far it has been driven may be unknown. It could fail suddenly and cause a crash. When replacing wheels, use a new GM original equipment wheel.

    Wheel Replacement
    Replace any wheel that is bent, cracked, or badly rusted or corroded. If wheel nuts keep coming loose, the wheel, wheel bolts, and wheel nuts should be replaced. If the wheel leaks air, replace it ...

    Tire Chains
    WARNING Do not use tire chains. There is not enough clearance. Tire chains used on a vehicle without the proper amount of clearance can cause damage to the brakes, suspension or other vehicle part ...

    See also:

    Display selection
    Refer to “Display selection (type A, B and C audio)”. Page scroll Refer to “Page (track/folder title) scroll”. ...

    Tire Pressure Monitor
    This vehicle may have a Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS). The TPMS warning light alerts you to a significant loss in pressure of one of the vehicle's tires. If the warning light comes on, ...

    Remote Audio Controls (if equipped)
    Remote Audio Controls (if equipped) You can control basic functions of the audio system with the switches on the steering wheel. For details, refer to “Audio Systems” in the “INSTRUMENT PA ...