Honda CR-V: Off-Highway Driving Guidelines

Honda CR-V (2006–2011) Owner's Manual / Driving / Off-Highway Driving Guidelines


 General Information

Your vehicle has been designed primarily for use on pavement. But its higher ground clearance allows you to occasionally travel on unpaved roads, such as campgrounds, picnic sites, and simil

 Important Safety Precautions

To avoid loss of control or rollover, be sure to follow all precautions and recommendations. Be sure to store cargo properly and do not exceed your cargo load limits. Wherever you drive, mak

 Check Out Your Vehicle

Before you leave the pavement, be sure to do all scheduled maintenance and service, and inspect your vehicle for any problems. Pay special attention to the condition of the tires, and check


 Block and Piston Inspection

1. Remove the crankshaft and pistons. 2. Check the piston for distortion or cracks. 3. Measure the piston diameter at a point 13 mm (0.5 in.) from the bottom of the skirt. There are two standard-size pistons (No Letter or A, and B). The letter is stamped on the top of the piston. Letters are also

 DTC 86: F-CAN Communication

1. Turn the ignition switch ON (II). 2. Clear the DTC with the HDS. 3. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 4. Start the engine. 5. Wait at least 5 seconds. 6. Check for DTCs with the HDS. Is DTC 86 indicated? YES-Go to step 7. NO-Intermittent failure, the system is OK at this time. Check for a loos

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